Sunday, July 29, 2012

sidral mundet

  as odd as it sounds, this soda which is mexican is impossible to find near me, but i found it in maine. albeit overpriced and in a mexican restaurant. although i took spanish in middle school, i still have no idea what sidral mundet means. luckily it says apple soda in english on the bottle. this is weird because apple in spanish is manzana, and it says that nowhere on the bottle. it being apple put me off at first because i HATE apples and apple products. but i cannot let my hatred get in the way of my quest to try every soda in existance. this soda is also almost always sold alongside with jarritos sodas, which have a similarly cool shaped and textured bottle. there doesnt seem to be any connection between the two brands, as they each have their own website and jarritos isnt mentioned anywhere on the bottle or website.

smell: bleh. apple juice. sweeter but still appley enough for me to hate it. ugh.

taste: mmmmm- very appley, but also much sweeter and lighter than normal apple juice. the carbonation level is very low, but it still doesnt go flat fast. very very good, especially considering that i REALLY HATE apple. it also tasted very dry to me, but that may just be because there was no ac in the mexican restaurant and i was really thirsty.

overall: buy a case! this stuff tastes great even to somebody who hates apple. though it wasnt cheap at 2.75 plus tax but that may just be because it in maine, which is as far away from mexico as you can get,  and it was in a very overpriced tourist town. if you can find it anywhere else which you probably can, its a must buy!

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