Sunday, July 1, 2012


so this is my first post to my soda reviewing blog. dont really have anything too special to say, so ill say that i will try to post a soder review every week, until i run out of soders to review, after which it will slow down. so i hope this ends up as good as the other soda reviewers. also i have a scale for how good soders are:

do not buy: the drink is disgusting and putrid and should never be bought by anyone.
buyer beware: the drink is bad and not worth the money.
try a bottle/can/whatever: the drink is worth trying, but not great.
buy a case: the drink awesome and worth buying again.
buy a palette: extremely delicious. almost as good as it gets.
buy a shipping container: perfection. tastes godly.

for energy drinks i will include a rating for how much energy they give you, but i really hate rating that as there are so many variables that change the rating such as: how much sleep i got last night, whether i am exercising under the drinks effects, how fast i drink it, my caffeine tolerance on the day i try each drink, and the fact that every drink almost always has the same kick. but i have to include this because thats why energy drinks exist.

i dont really have anything else to say so i guess to entertain you, heres a random picture:

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