Tuesday, October 9, 2012

rumba energy juice

now juice energy drinks are not by any means new to the market. after all, monster makes like 5 of them, so juice must mask the taste of caffeine and b vitamins right? this has all the EXACT same chemicals printed along the top of the can as monster. the part of this that makes it so much different from the other juice energy drinks is that this is actually 100% juice. the highest monster goes is 80%. from the design on the front of the can, you would think this is orange juice, but its actually a mishmash of 7 different fruits.

smell: reeks of orange juice, and i mean just orange juice and nothing else.

taste: not bad! like orange juice but a little sweeter and a little different. also not carbonated which makes it much easier to chug. i am not the biggest fan of orange juice, but this is okay.

kick: pretty good nothing special though loses points for no listed caffeine content, and upon looking for that, i also noticed this is made by the same company as monster, and has all the same amounts of b vitamins and energy blend.

overall: try a can! not the best energy drink ever, but its caffeinated orange juice. how original is that? if you like orange juice you will love the hell out of this, and if your like me and dont, give it a try anyway because its sweeter.

Monday, October 1, 2012

rip it tribute active mandarin live wild lime

the name is quite a mouthful, and i have no idea why they have to mention that the mandarin lime is live and active. this seems to be paying tribute to us soldiers, but doesnt mention why. what i love about this drink is that it looks NOTHING like a dollar store drink, unlike the rest of the rip its. there is already a lime rip it called lime wrecker, but maybe there will be a noticeable difference since this uses mandarin limes. after all, mandarin oranges are like a completely different fruit than american oranges. but my biggest question is that if this is paying tribute to us soldiers, then why the hell does it use CHINESE limes?

smell: mountain dew!!!! this smells exactly like mountain dew!!! i really like mountain dew, but its caffeine content is way too low for me to drink as an energy drink, but high enough that i wont be able to sleep until 2:00 am if i drink it later in the day. i generally dont drink any soders until later in the day, just an energy drink in the morning.

taste: wow that is great! its like mountain dew, but even better! i have come to have high expectations from rip it, but this really blows away any energy drink that isnt a coffee monster. this is a terrific energy drink, and drink in general, and i really hope this isnt a limited edition flavor. this may be trying to rip off amp, but this doesnt have the flintstone vitamin taste that amp has.

kick: same awesome kick as all the other rip its. but this one is the best tasting yet.

overall: buy a palette! this is one of the best energy drinks in existance, and is the best value for an energy drink to exist. there is no energy drink you can get for 1$ that is of higher quality than this. every rip it i have had was not only good, but surpassed the drink it was ripping off. this has an unusually high caffeine content of 200mg, and its still only 1$