Tuesday, October 9, 2012

rumba energy juice

now juice energy drinks are not by any means new to the market. after all, monster makes like 5 of them, so juice must mask the taste of caffeine and b vitamins right? this has all the EXACT same chemicals printed along the top of the can as monster. the part of this that makes it so much different from the other juice energy drinks is that this is actually 100% juice. the highest monster goes is 80%. from the design on the front of the can, you would think this is orange juice, but its actually a mishmash of 7 different fruits.

smell: reeks of orange juice, and i mean just orange juice and nothing else.

taste: not bad! like orange juice but a little sweeter and a little different. also not carbonated which makes it much easier to chug. i am not the biggest fan of orange juice, but this is okay.

kick: pretty good nothing special though loses points for no listed caffeine content, and upon looking for that, i also noticed this is made by the same company as monster, and has all the same amounts of b vitamins and energy blend.

overall: try a can! not the best energy drink ever, but its caffeinated orange juice. how original is that? if you like orange juice you will love the hell out of this, and if your like me and dont, give it a try anyway because its sweeter.

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