Monday, July 30, 2012

postobon apple flavored soda.

what an odd design for an apple soda can. a bunch of pink bubbles pink stripes, and a red ketchup smear under the logo. this JUST FRICKIN SCREAMS BUBBLEGUM SODA!!!!!. it also says apple in four different languages all around the top of the can. apple manzana pomme mela and apfel. despite this being a foreign looking drink, it still has hfcs.  also it gives the real amount of ml in a 12 oz can- 354. most just round it off to 355. well hopefully this will be as good as the previous apple soda i tried- sidral mundet.

smell: like apples. not just apple juice it actually smells like sliced apples. blegh. hopefully it will taste better than that.

taste: WOW. this is really good! its still somewhat like apples, but also tastes like bubblegum (which was to be expected) but also some sort of other fruitiness that is hard to pinpoint. no bad aftertaste either. actually theres some strange but delicious flavor that lingers a while after your done drinking.

overall: buy a palette! this is a very great apple soda. its even better than sidral mundet which as you may recall i rated very favorably. its not over the top sweet either which i like.

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