i should mention that i am the FIRST REVIEWER!!!! for this new drink by arizona, as it just came out and apparently today was the release date since my local 711 didnt have it yesterday. as most of you may know, this was exclusively launched at 711 for arizonas 20th anniversary with much fanfare. the best part about this drink is that its a huge ass 24oz can, and the arizona company is based in new york. this absolutely CRAPS all over the soda ban being enacted in new york. and i am very happy too see that over half of the city think its a retarded idea. the can design differs radically from arizonas normal cans, and also it does not contain any tea. this is flavored with real fruit juice (10%) and contains 6 different fruit juices. this is colored with vegetable juice, and all the natural stuff is ruined by every chemical ever put in soda. corn syrup, sucralose, ace k, ester gum and all that crap. i usually love lime rickeys, but they are usually not cherry. it has a qr code on it thats allows you to win an unknown prize.
smell: orange juice? that not even one of the 6 juices..... odd.
taste: disappointment. this tastes like real fruit juice for sure, but like most carbonated fruit juices, this tastes sour and watery, and just generally unsatisfying. fruit juices are generally like that to me, and despite the corn syrup and artificial sweeteners, the taste is still pretty natural. i was disappointed by this, but if you like fruit juice you will probably like this. there are definite cherry and lime tastes, but the other fruits blend in and mute them. i was waiting a month for this, and thats why i was really disappointed.
overall: buyer beware! i had high hopes for a lime rickey drink, but was sadly disappointed. of course this is still a great value at 1$ for a big ass 24 oz can, i didnt like it. this isnt horrible, but i would never buy it again. arizona has much better offerings, and again i still cant believe nobody has reviewed this on any other website yet.
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