Saturday, July 28, 2012

mug cream soda

so heres an odd one- a drink made by a national company, but is still so rare i didnt even know it existed. a perfect example of why the bottling system national brands use sucks. each bottler is allowed to choose which drinks to bottle, and which ones not to. this leads to regional inequalities, the most painful of which is mountain dew livewire, my favorite of the dew flavors, which i havent seen in about 10 years. this is also why most fanta flavors other than orange are impossible to find in the us. and that is why most people dont know mug makes anything other than root beer. unless you live in maine, in which case you probably do know about this drink.

smell: vanilla. disappointing vanilla, just like every other cheap cream soda (which admittedly are pretty rare too).

taste: meh. just an average cream soda. of course i expected nothing more from a mug soda given that their root beer is also just as crappy as all the other cheap ones. but my standards are a bit unfair since im used to drinking virgils cream soda. i had a hard time drinking the whole bottle and thats really saying something because cream soda is one of my favorite sodas when done correctly. it also leaves the same horrible aftertaste mug root beer does, forcing you to keep drinking it. i am 100% sure that the reason this sucks so bad is that it uses corn syrup. cream soda seems to be like cola in that it is absolutely RUINED without real sugar.

overall: buyer beware! it doesnt taste horrible, but try it if you see it because you probably wont ever see it again. its really no different than any other cheap cream soda, and the vending machine i got it out of had much better options, as will wherever you might find it.

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